Terms of Use
The guidance on this website is based on the admissions criteria for our universities, which varies between institutions, and is not intended as a definitive or exhaustive source of information. Users are strongly advised to check the specific admissions guidance for the universities that they are interested in applying to and other sources of information such as the UCAS website.
All users should note the following conditions before proceeding any further into the website:
1. No liability is accepted to any person for loss or damages incurred as a result of reliance upon material contained in this website.
2. The Russell Group accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information or material accessed through the website except where it can be shown that inaccuracies were due to negligence by the Russell Group.
3. Information in all sections of the website is subject to change without prior notice.
4. The contractual relationship for any course that you may apply for will be with the relevant university and not the Russell Group. You should carefully consider any legal terms that such universities offer as part of the contracting process.
5. The website does not list every possible post-16 or degree subject but broad categories.
6. Users should be aware that for some degree subjects there are significant variations between universities and so it is always advisable to check the admissions criteria for the specific university you are interested in applying to
7. By accessing the website, you will have deemed to have released and discharged the Russell Group from all liability that might arise except where this can be shown to be caused by negligence on the part of the Russell Group.
8. The Russell Group will take reasonable steps to ensure this website remains free of viruses or other malware. By accessing the site, you will be assuming all risks associated with use of the site, including risk of your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus or malware which might be transmitted or activated via the site or your access to it.
9. The Russell Group does not retain email addresses or personal information that users enter into the 'Share' tools.